
Hello Gina, thanks for your message. Lovely to think of you leisurely dipping in and out of my writing. I hope you enjoyed reading. Thanks for being engaged and feeding back to me. I always enjoy hearing from you.

Thank you too, for introducing me to John Clare. I hadn’t come across him before, but just look at this beautiful craft below:

Much love, Ben

I often pulld my hat over my eyes to watch the rising of the lark or to see the hawk hang in the summer sky & the kite take its circle round the wood I often lingered a minute on the woodland stile to hear the woodpigeons clapping their wings among the dark oaks I hunted curious flowers in rapture & muttered thoughts in their praise I lovd the pasture with its rushes & thistles & sheep tracks I adored the wild marshy fen with its solitary hernshaw sweeing [heron swinging] along in its mellancholy sky I wandered the heath in raptures among the rabbit burrows & golden blossomd furze I dropt down on the thymy molehill or mossy eminence to survey the summer landscape as full of rapture as now

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Beautiful 😊

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Jun 13Liked by Benjamin Parkes

Finally getting chance to catch up with your writing What a journey you’ve been on and this is just a week. Love how it shows the ebs and flows of navigating live. Hope your all doing ok!

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Hey thanks Tarlie, I’m glad you got some time to read my words. Hope you enjoyed it, a lot can happen in a week. Thanks for your kind wishes. Hope you and your tribe are thriving too. I’m seeing some impressive wild camping feats given how young your family is. Great work.

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May 28Liked by Benjamin Parkes

wonderfully well written words, ben; candid, honest and real. i can relate to a lot of it. keep going, you amazing tribe.

suaimhneas. a different energy awaits you in the west.

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Thank you Colin, so grateful for your support and encouragement. Grateful for that chance encounter in the harbour! Suaimhneas: that’s a powerful word. Go well. Ben and the tribe.

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May 25Liked by Benjamin Parkes

Hi Ben, thank you for the insight into your week. Throughout the day I've been leisurely and enjoyably dipping in and out of this post. Uncannily, whilst reading about the Highland Clearances I turned to the book I'm currently reading 'The Garden Against Time' by Olivia Laing' that has a chapter discussing John Clare and the act of enclosure.

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